Friday, 18 February 2011

Design for the context - cooking

Today I was wandering around the cooking section of a bookstore on my way to work: I needed to buy a book of recipes for a friend of mine.

While there I was struck with this book:

A spiral cookbook

I like cooking, yet I hate cookbooks. I always have to find something (a glass of whatever else could come in handy) to keep them open on the recipe I'm trying to do.
That book, instead, seemed to be perfect for cooking: no hands involved!

I admit I have not opened it, yet it would be no surprise to find out that of any 2-page recipe, one page is devoted to the ingredients and one to the steps to follow to prepare it. So there would be only one page needed when cooking and no turning at all. :)

I wonder why all the other cookbooks aren't designed alike.

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