Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Paying attention to details - Adv & message

A few months ago I've been to Fa' la cosa giusta, a fair in Milan on sustainability and ethical consumption. Legambiente, as the most widespread environmental organization in Italy, was there with a series of posters/adv on the theme.

Here's my favorite one:

Essentially it was a campaign on recycling which I presume was out around the beginning of 2010 ("Happy Old Year").

What I love of it are the details:

For non-Italians:
On the right: Happy Old Year - do not throw away what can be used again: even an old calendar becomes new every 28 years. Start the new year with a different gesture: recycle.
On the left (my favourite!): Do not waste this page. Tear it out and stick it on your wall.
An adv on a magazine is always perceived as "waste". Without the left note this adv would have lost all its power and with it the message it carried.
Luckily they thought of it and by adding that single line, made the whole thing well rounded.

Good job Legambiente! :)


  1. solo altri 11 anni per tirar fuori il mio pirelli del '95!

    1. ahahah :D
      ebbravo Arry, ricicla ricicla..
      tanto per quel giorno le donnine sul calendario saranno talmente vecchie bacucche che neanche la morosa si arrabbierà più :P
